beautiful_pirate_of_the_seas: 'ello there matey
pearl_of_the_british_royal_navy: ...
beautiful_pirate_of_the_seas: *pushes his navy hat down*
pearl_of_the_british_royal_navy: Excuse me, what is it you want?
beautiful_pirate_of_the_seas: well do you really work for the navy?
pearl_of_the_british_royal_navy: Perhaps.
beautiful_pirate_of_the_seas: well's kind of're kinda cute...*pulls out her gun*
pearl_of_the_british_royal_navy: *looks at the gun, then unsheaths his sword* Put down the gun, wench.
beautiful_pirate_of_the_seas: how rude...*cracks her neck*what makes you think i'm just gonna obey you? i'm not really good with authority
pearl_of_the_british_royal_navy: The fact that, as an officer in His Royal Majesty's navy I have the authority to kill you ought to sway you. Drop it, wench.
beautiful_pirate_of_the_seas: i'd have a bullet in your heart before you can make a move...the fact that i'm a pirate makes me hate you...and i have a's not wench
pearl_of_the_british_royal_navy: Would you, scum? Somehow, I doubt that. You see, while you're blathering on about having a name... *Moves forward quickly bringing the butt of his sword down on her wrist*
beautiful_pirate_of_the_seas: i have to hands...and a really don't want to look down...*smirks*just because i talk alot don't mean a damn thing about my skills
pearl_of_the_british_royal_navy: Really.
pearl_of_the_british_royal_navy: *takes his gun out of his holster, aims it at her heart and shoots*
beautiful_pirate_of_the_seas: *falls back hitting the ground and holding her chest in pain*damn...that fuckin' hurt you fuckin' bastard! how dare you shoot me???? i didn't stab your sorry ass and you shoot me!
pearl_of_the_british_royal_navy: *begins the slowprocess of reloading his pistol* You are a pirate. You threatened me, therefore I have every right to shoot you, scum. *taps down the gunpowder, then slips a ball into the muzzle and points his pistol again, this time at the girl's head* Plus, you have simply terrible grammar.
beautiful_pirate_of_the_seas: i never went to a preppy school like you did...never had the money to afford to be a goody goody as you're supposed to be...the navy's full of bad fact it's a sesspool of 'em...*kicks the gun out of his hand*you call us the bad guys when we're just tryin' to make a living...we may still from you and your rich friends, but at least we don't still from the poor
pearl_of_the_british_royal_navy: *scowls as his carefully reloaded gun's kicked out of his hand, then slashes at her foot with his sword.* Pirates are pathetic creatures who don't understand real work. So they rape and rob, and steal from anyone they can get their hands on. Do you honestly expect me to believe that, you pirate scum? *stepped forward, thrusting the point of his sword downward at the pirate's midsection*
beautiful_pirate_of_the_seas: not all of us are bad...i want you navy scum dead just out of revenge! my brother wasn't one of those damnable pirates you just described and still ya'll hanged him with out a second thought...i have honor to live up to...and a brother to kill me...others will come after you...and you'll be killing women and children with out a second thought because your boss told ya too
pearl_of_the_british_royal_navy: *rolls his eyes, picks up his gun, and then shoots the pirate in the head.*
beautiful_pirate_of_the_seas: *closes her eyes and becomes water a laugh filling the air*there's more to this world than you think navy scum...i swear it
pearl_of_the_british_royal_navy: *sprinkles sawdust on the water, soaking it up, scoops the sawdust into a barrell, tightly secures the lid, and then douses the barrel in kerosene and lights it on fire. Walks away. Good day.*
beautiful_pirate_of_the_seas: g2g
pearl_of_the_british_royal_navy: Good bye.