First Post!

Apr 06, 2007 15:38

Why hello there! This is my very first entry and I guess I should make a splash! My name is Zelos Wilder and I don't know why I have to do this, but something about writing in a journal actually excites me.  Maybe it's the fact that it's not something I would normally do, but I am sure if the ladies get wind of it I'll be even more popular. <3 Guys or girls as long as I stay popular there will be hardly any problems. I thrive off of being love and admired, because it's lonely if I'm not in the spotlight! Anyways, it's not like this is truly anything that is SERIOUS for me and I will just write nonsense in here. There are people who get incredibly attached to their journals and I don't feel like becoming one of those people.

Honestly, what is so good about writing your thoughts into a journal anyways? I mean what if you lose it (not that you can lose this one) and someone were to find it. INSTANT Blackmail >.< What a horrible thing to do to a person, but it is possible and I won't be the one to be caught with my pants around my ankles so to speak. Not that the ladies and men wouldn't enjoy seeing what I have to offer, but I digress. This has been the first post to the famous journal of Zelos! I hope that when I die and someone finds it they will get rich off of it! <3 ^_^

~Zelos W.~

P.S: I finally picked out my courses and they are the following:

Angels and Demons  (should be interesting)
Health/Sex Ed <3 
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