So right. 6PM has come and gone.
Simon's right, this week's the strangest week yet. Paula's comments made me go "Huh? Is she drunk?". I felt so bad for Jason...not that I liked his performance...but to be told "you look like you're not fighting hard enough for the top 4 spot" right before the second song? I mean, really. That was just...harsh.
(But Cookie's face when all that happened! OMG! *falls to the floor with a ka-thud*)
Everything was rushed. It was painful. A complete mess.
When David came on, I just wanted to cuddle my TV screen. I'm weird like that. I think he was the best of the night. And I loved the jacket and the AC on it. Oh and he looks HOT in red. Am not liking the hair much, but I think it's alright.
Official time of death: 7:59PM
Official cause of death: Being murdered by David Cook's killer smile.
Farewell, world.