Terra Incognita

Apr 05, 2005 23:26

i was standing outside borders today, stubbing out a cigarette butt when this dude comes up to the same trash can.
He fishes out a new pack of parliaments, packs it, and proceeds to put a stick behind his ear and lights another up.
Then he turns to me and asks if I smoke, and i said yes, for today.
He then verbally and physically tried to force the pack (less 2 sticks) upon me.
He told me he was trying to quit and I should help him by accepting his pack.
Given the sheer retardness of his actions and hoverbearing-ness, i felt compelled to say no, several times.
He then told me he was going to leave the pack at the rim of the bin, and if some 15 year old kid comes along to take it, it'd be ALL MY FAULT.
He repeated the last statement twice before walking to his car in a huff, perhaps hoping that with his back turned, I would finally accept it.
well i did not. i near wanted to burst into laughter but that would just be uncool. and this being california, its all about the shades and the cool.
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