Apr 30, 2011 14:52
Hauuu, Kuro-sa--
[The feed had turned on when she reached over for a "cuddle" in her sleep. Think of it as an alarm expect there was no alarm and it was by total accident when she hit her . She seemed peaceful at first dreaming about her not!boyfriend...and BAM, the feed is jumbled as Kyoko falls from her bed to the floor, causing her SPC to go with her. She has been asleep for what, a month now? Not that she would notice it too much...]
Hm? I feel stiff and tired........................it's pissing me off. [Pouuuut. She glances at her surrondings and sees her SPC. ] ....Hm? Oh it's on! [So since she wasted everyones time she gives a thoughtful pause.]
This place is borinnnng, has anything been happening at all?
[Yup she missed out on all dem dinosaurs. Fill her in?]
needs moar excitement,
derp derp