(no subject)

Jan 13, 2011 21:27

Location: home

Re-working Down
-first ten minutes were a waiting game - previously captured 'down' was completely lost. She had NO idea what was going on. Downed about once ever minute, 30-45 sec between cue and down.
-last five minutes - LIGHTBULB!!!! - down within 3 seconds every time from 2 cues (verbal and hand signal)
-performed consistently all over apartment and on different surfaces
-80% success, should still re-work down and down-stay one more time

Task Training
-weighing down owner during manic episode
-90% success, a few corrections for attention to objects (food, ashtray, etc.) on couch.

-90% consistent
-30 seconds-1 minute

-left food on floor during stay, walked by food on Loose Leash, stopped eating and backed up on 'leave it' command.

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