(no subject)

Nov 26, 2008 00:39

Do you have the guts to answer this and post it?

Would you do meth if it was legalized? Umm...I used to meth anyways...so, um yeah...I really don't think I would. Meth sucks first off, and I'd be really scared to live in a country where it was legalized.

Abortion: for or against? I am so for abortion it's not even fucking funny. Guess what people? IT'S NOT YOUR FUCKING BODY. Roe vs. Wade ruled that a fetus is not protected by the constitution. And I swear, if anyone tries to bring God into this I will kill them. Really.

Would our country fall with a woman president? ...what kind of stupid question is that?

Do you support the death penalty? To an extent. I have the heeby-jeebies about the idea that one human being can legally kill another. As long as all reasonable doubt is gone (and by that I mean I want eye witnesses, not some circumstantial evidence), I grudgingly support the death penalty.

Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already? Hell yeah! Legalize weed and ban cigarettes. Seriously. Pot is better for you. And less people would smoke if it was legal.

Are you for or against premarital sex? For. What happens if you marry someone and they suck between the sheets? And don't feed my that love conquers all bullshit either.

Do you believe in God? Absolutely. I just don't like him brought into politics.

Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized? *sigh* Ok, here we go: First off, I think it is highly disturbing the number of people who sit around and moan and complain about what two consenting adults get up to in the bedroom. People? That's creepy. I have sex with other women. And it makes me uncomfortable that people are protesting MY PERSONAL SEX LIFE. Not yours. Mine. Also, believe it or not, Christianity does NOT own the monopoly on marriage. Marriage was around long before Jesus. So get over yourselves. Another thing. Jesus preaches love and acceptance. HE HUNG OUT WITH HOOKERS. AND ADULTERERS. Just GAH. People are so stupid. Gay people do not hurt anyone. They pay taxes. They have jobs. THEY FALL IN LOVE. Although I must say, I wouldn't get married if it WAS legal. Straight people have destroyed the idea of marriage. Go check out the divorce rates.

Do you think it’s wrong that so many illegal Hispanics are moving to the USA? Yes, I do. Look, I know that the immigration laws are stupid. I know it's difficult to get into America. But rules are in place for a reason. They must be followed. So sorry...

A 12 year old girl has a baby... should she keep it? First off, I want the bastard who knocked her up castrated. Fucker. Secondly, no. Either abortion or adoption. Babies can't raise babies.

Should the alcohol age be lowered to 18? No. I can't believe I'm saying this, but no. Because that means that kids around 15 and 16 are going to have an easier time getting alcohol. It's easier to bend rules and let things slide if the kid's only a year or two off rather than 4 or 5. Another thing. People are just starting college at 18. Legalized alcohol in the dorms? BAD IDEA.

Should the war in Iraq be called off? ...Little late for that, dontcha think?

Assisted suicide is illegal... do you agree? Ooooo...that's tough. In cases where the patients outlook is terminal and is just going to result in tons of pain for them and their families, I guess I can't deny them that right.

Do you believe in spanking your children? Well, yeah. Spanking is different than beating.

Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars? Dude. There's not much I wouldn't do for a million dollars.

A mother is declared innocent after murdering her 5 children in a temporary insanity case... do you agree? No. Because one of two things is going to happen. Either she's an evil woman who had a really good lawyer, and didn't deserve that verdict, or she's an innocent woman who is going to hate herself forever when she realizes what she's done. Then she's going to have to go to a mental institution anyways.
Are you afraid others will judge you for reading some of your answers? I don't really care. I'm being honest. 

quiz, honesty

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