So I know the floor was opened to prompts about a year ago, and it looks like no one has mentioned it since, but I'm currently utterly mad about this fandom, dying for more fics, and floundering as I try to write one of my own. Also, ever since the idea fell into my head, I've been dying to know how you ("you" here being everyone who's bothering to
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Comments 5
Personally, I've never done anything like that out of respect for the book's sequel, which I enjoyed too much to disregard when writing Trainspotting fic.
I've toyed with the idea of writing something post-sequel, but I haven't done it yet because I really love the ending and can't quite convince myself that it needs to not be over, you know?
So I'm not sure whether I'll end up agreeing with you about the ending, I guess I'll see when I actuallyread it. I felt like the ending to Trainspotting wasn't neccisarily all that could be written, and apparently Welsh didn't either, but at this point I suppose that post's a bit out of date.
Your comments on the sequel make me hopeful, though (I'm generally slightly distrustful of sequels), so I can't wait to read it!
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