Flying Challenge - Entry No.1

Oct 16, 2005 14:42

I'm going to do another Mono-type Challenge. I picked Flying this time. Although it might take me a bit to update since I'm trying to get through XD at the moment. Ya know, before I have to return it.

I picked Squirtle as my Starter. Why? Because I already used Charmander for my Fire one. I wanted something different. So I do all the stuff Oak wants me to do and get the pokeballs.

I caught a Pidgey. Didn't name it anything yet, then stored my Squirtle. Leveled up Pidgey to about level 7 and then caught a Spearow. Leveled them to LV 10. Fought Gary and beat him with little difficulty. Okay... Gary's Pidgey hurt a bit, but his Bulbasaur was pathetic.

Next I caught a Caterpie in the sole purpose of getting a Butterfree to fight Brock. I got a Butterfree... And watched it die horribly against Brock's Onix. Why didn't it use Rock Tomb against me when all I had was a Charmander!? Well, now I had a Spearow and a Pidgey. Time to get annoying! Pidgey used Sand-Attack until it died. Then out came Spearow. Thankfully Rock Tomb wasn't a 1HKO for Spearow, so I could use Potions whenever it managed to hit me. About what seemed to be fifty turns later, Spearow pecked Onix dead for the win.

Butterfree went back into the box and I made my way to mt.Moon. I caught a Zubat and ended my game for the day.

TEAM (I don't remember natures at the moment. I'll update with them later.)

Pidgey LV14
?? Nature
-Sand attack
-Quick Attack

Spearow LV14
Lax Nature
-Fury attack

Zubat LV7
Brave Nature
-Leech life
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