Fire Challenge - Entry 4

Sep 19, 2005 10:50

Well, I found Lostelle. While on the islands, I caught a Ponyta and a Magmar. I named them Sunder and Raxis, respectively. I trained on the island until Sunder evolved into Rapidash. Then I went and picked up Moltres and named it Ashes.

Now I had to go fight Giovanni again. I was expecting trouble once again, but I can't remember having too much difficulty beating him. No one died anyway.

Another Gary fight. Easy as pie. However... easy pie...... Is.

I remember the path through Victory road extremely well, by now, so I got through as quickly as posible. In retrospect, I should have fought all the trainers.

I arrived at the Elite Four. As soon as I got there I spent all my money on Revives and Full Restores. So glad I did, because Lorelai give me troubles anyway. Now I have to fight her with all Fires. Her Lapras was the most annoying. It killed quite a few of mine, but eventually my numbers preveiled. I tried using Sunny Day, but the dewgong kept countering with hail. Stupid Dewgong. She sent out Jynx last, which was an easy kill. I think I had maybe two pokes left standing.

Bruno. He was a giant pain in the bottom. His Machamp and Onyx's could do some damage, so I used Flaeli/Ninetails to Will-o-Wisp them. That way I could actually survive a earthquake. Raxis help too with his flame body. Bruno was slightly easier then Lorelai, but I still had to revive quite a few team members.

Ghost/Poison Lady. Her first Gengar tried to pull the double-teaming thing, but I thankfully got before it got it's evasion too high. Other then that, she was the easiest one to beat.

Lance. He kept switching his Gyrados in and out. I wasn't scared of it, but Lance certainly didn't want it to die. The Aerodactyl was annoying, but I used confuse ray on it and took advantage of any extra turns I got from it. The Dragonairs and Dragonite all got Will-o-whisped as well as Attracted and confused. I used it as a chance to heal, since any attacks that got through didn't do much damage. It took a little longer then the others, but Lance was brought down fairly easily.

Gary. I killed the Pidgeot and Gary threw out the Blastoise. It used all of it's Hydro Pumps on my Charizard. After that it was just widdling down it's HP. Ooo! Bite and Skull bash! Not afraid... Arcainine was actually the most annoying, since he attacked first and I couldn't burn him. Still Flareon handled him well, with a Quick attack of his own.

Yay! I win!

Well, now I had to do the Ruby/Saphire thing. No problems arised from any rocket members. So I can trade with R/S/E now. Yay, I guess.

Then it was the cerulean cave to catch Mewtwo. I brought my Flash pikachu, but never needed it. Caught a modest Mewtwo with my Master Ball.

Final Team

Cynder Lv57
Quiet Nature / Lefties
-Wing Attack
-Sunny Day
-Mega Kick

Kahvi Lv57
Brave Nature / Amulet Coin
-Shadow Ball
-Quick Attack

Flaeli Lv57
Hardy Nature / Lefties
-Confuse Ray

Raxis Lv57
Naughty Nature
-Brick Break
-Sunny Day
-Confuse Ray

Sunder Lv54
Adamant Nature

Ashes Lv54
Naive Nature
-Fire Spin

My best poke ended up being Kahvi. My worst was Rapidash.
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