Saph's Diary and OOC blabber

Apr 03, 2008 07:06


And so today I write in this diary about everything.

Its been at least two days since I first washed up ashore in such a strange place. Its times like these where I wonder what happened to Ruby, really. Last I heard, he may have ended up dehydrated in the desert from an extreme drought. What an odd coincidence, I must say...that we were both caught up in weather related events. Whatever Groudon and Kyogre are doing, I feel sad and quite pissed off.

At least I have met a few new friends here, and have found Meg again. But I have no idea what happened to Penelope and Torpy-kun...but I trust in Penelope. I doubt she'd fail me even in a time of crisis like this. I saw her at least try to catch Torpy's Poké Ball shortly before I passed out, and I tried to hold on to Meg's with all my strength...but I passed out and eventually it drifted off with me.

After narrowly beating Ruby in our last battle, my father wanted me to quit training and join him in doing research. I just can't get myself to do that, I want to finish this challenge , beat the Elite 4, and hopefully begin to travel the world. And maybe in a few years, I know this sounds like i'm planning too far ahead, but find someone to date.

I would also like to mention one last thing before i'm done writing in here today: I wonder who this Steven Stone is. I heard he really wanted to seal off Kyogre and Groudon, but here they are causing us trouble...who are we to deal with next, the Regis? I kind of can't help him, Walo and Relo are with my father at the moment. What a mysterious person...

I feel like I need to talk to that Claus person. They too, seem to emit an aura of mystery...

Okay, I suppose some people around the community want to know what made me use this character and why. Not to mention why I chose Sapphire as a name instead of May (even though they're the same darn person appearance wise honestly.) Well, today I decided its about time I explain...

Sapphire Birch is the daughter of Professor Birch in the manga, and rival to Ruby throughout most of the R/S/E arc of Pokémon Special. Most of Saph's story actually applies to the character in question here. In fact I may as well use some percentages.

50% Magna based (Ruby is her rival, the whole deal about Ruby being after all the ribbons and her after all the badges, yadda yadda yadda.)
25% Game based (I'm doing my best to apply in game events so that things make a bit more sense)
5% Anime based
20% Original ideas (To at least do my best to make things interesting and not come off as Random Trainer number 9001)

I'll get the original ideas out of the way, so that things make sense a bit more, okay?
- Saph using a Furret is technically impossible in game and she does not have one in the manga. Got it via Johto trade.
- The idea of washing up ashore from Kyogre's storm was of course, original.
- Saph using a Meganium is the same case as Furret. She got it (as a Chikorita) from a trade from a good friend of hers, and spent some time in Johto training it.
- She managed to breed Raipuff with a female Marill to get the Azurill she has right now. It hatched shortly before taking on Team Aqua and subsequently being caught up in the massive storm.
- Speaking of which, Raipuff is a nod to the Raichu I used for most of my Silver version and plan to remake in Pearl sooner or later. I had to put Reversal in place of Rollout as the latter is illegal in newer versions of the game. Raipuff is a male Raichu who was raised from a Pichu that was the result of breeding a female Pikachu with a (yes) male Jigglypuff. Hence the nickname.

As for the name...

I blame the fact Blue (known as Green to a majority of us in the English version of the manga) exists. So I decided to stick to the naming format from the manga to call it a day. :D

And yeah, one last thing is I really will have her use Raipuff, Ouida (Furret), and Meg a lot; somewhat of a nod to Red.
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