so ...
I didn't wear the corset on saturday ...
and I didn't wear it sunday ...
and I didn't wear it monday or tuesday ...
Wed I was feeling better so I thought it was time to put it back on.
Wed night I woke up with the WORST back pain I've EVER had.
I blame the corset.
Jay made me some thera-flu to relax me.
It worked. I should've had some when I first started wearing this thing *8P
Last night when my back started to hurt I just loosend the corset 2" and went to bed in it.
I took it off around 4 this morning due to my sides burning.
Just four days without it and my back was already "falling out".
I hope tonight is better *8/
Anywho -
on a different note ...
a woman who comes into my store at least everyother week came in yesterday.
She was looking for a pink corset and wanted to know if we had any.
We didn't, but of course we started to get into a conversation about corsets.
She apparently knows a guy who makes them. I told her I've been waist training and I'd be interested in meeting him and possibly having something made.
I hope he e-mails me.
His name was ... Tom Peters or something to that effect, I believe.
She said he did really artistic designs so I'm itcing to see what he does.
Oooo! and on a totally different note.
The weirdest thing ...
I keep having dreams that I didn't order my corset from waspcreations but instead got it from somewhere else. How weird is that? And of course the rip=off wasp creations corset falls apart and then I'm all upset. I think this journal is starting to get to my head *8P
Okay, and another thing .... posted a link to a corset maker: as well as a new photo of spook and her 14" waist.
(note - a 14" waist is smaller than a cd. ooooo)