May 16, 2003 10:28
this morning I ate some oatmeal for breakfast.
My body feels a bit better - I've been staying on my carbs,
calming down my stomach so I could comfortably wear the corset.
I had a tuna sandwhich yesterday for lunch, and I felt a bit of pain shortly after eating it, but I didn't loosen the laces, I decided to just drink some water and ride it out, see if the pain went away. Sure enough it did ... so I think that what you eat really determines how comfortable you will be in the corset.
Yesterday I also bought two 1.5 liter bottles of water. I drank one and a little bit of the other. I'm dissapointed in myself. I really need to either A: learn to down the two
or B: loose some weight *laughs*.
Oh well ... at least I'm drinking water ...
I'm still slightly below 27".
I don't want to push it farther untill I can stay comfortable in this size for a full week.
I laced down to 26" one day ... but that was only becaue I was going to a convention and you know, I *had* to look good! *laughs*
I've had some questions recently about my goals with my corset.
Then again - I always get quetions about it .. just lately I really started thinking about it. Sometimes I want to go all the way and try for a 19" waist ... but other days I'm happy with just a 24" waist ... which I would be at once my corset is closed. I suppose when I actually get the corset comfortably closed I'll see ... but lately ... I don't know - that tiny waist is so attractive ... I'm just afraid I'll look odd. Most women who have waists 20" or below started with a natural 23-26" waist, whereas I started with a 30" waist. I guess we'll just see. I'm short - so maybe as the corset gets tighter I'll lose some weight and it'll even out. I don't know.
In other news,
my boyfriend and I have decided to take some pictures of the corset tonight.
I need to get some off to
so - we really need to crank up and do that.
I also have some corset related artwork that I want to post.
I should be taking some pictures of my "real" journals sometime this weekend as well.
Wow - full schedule of things to do for once.
I also need to set up a photoshoot with a model for some "gothic lolita" images.
yay ...
okay - I'm done jabbering now *8)
Oh ...
and before I go,
I've heard somewhere about a book dedicated to diets for corset wearers.
Is anyone familiar with such a thing?
My boss' sister is bringing in one on improper food combinations -
I'd like to see simularities between the two.
If anyone could give me some information it'd be much appriciated *8)