Well ladies, my first year here and already we're getting snow! It's been snowing here for about an hour and we already have an inch/an inch and a half of snow, which is pretty sweet.
I don't know how it's going to go tomorrow, but either I'm going to be upset because I have to walk in the snow.. or I'm going to be happy because I get to sleep in.
I'm praying for the latter.
I took this picture from the crack between the window and the brick wall.
you can't really catch snow that well.
white blanket on the ground!
My suitemates & several other of my hallmates are outside right now playing in the snow. I would be too if I weren't sick and if it weren't 1:00 (and I had an 8 o'clock tomorrow).
Hope you ladies are doing well, and if you get snowed in tomorrow -- I HOPE YOU GET TO SLEEP.