(no subject)

Feb 26, 2009 16:26

This guy:


Is a sweetie. When I voted for him in exchange for his vote he told all his friends to vote for me too. He's from Vermont so I'm not really competition yet....Vote for him, please?


I know I'm asking a lot recently but anyone who's joined the site and plans on actually using it for themselves? Could you maybe...CAMPAIGN FOR ME? I mean offer to vote for people in other states if they vote for me?

When I left for school this morning I had sixty votes and now I have eighty. :DD I DON'T KNOW HOW. :DDDDDDDDD

I'm trying to write a script, get all gussied up and webcam myself to post a video asking for votes on youtube but I'm having trouble with the script. Hmmm.

Any suggestions on campaign methods? I'm going to make a Facebook group and a myspace group for Zinch but anything else?
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