today is December 10th. i'm quite excited about Bush finally getting the hell out of the White House. i sure hope he gets what he deserves when he's gone, i.e. being put on trial for murder (see The Prosecution of George W Bush for Murder). thing is, even with him gone, there is a sorry legacy he's going to leave behind. here's a smattering of some of his wretched work.
writing executive orders to cover his trail: rolling over civil liberties: Dec 17-
it's 3 days after Maidi threw his shoes at Bush. in my opinion, that is the highlight of his occupancy of the office. some people think it was inappropriate behavior toward a president. my reponse is, the president is still a person like you or me. the office is deserving of some respect, but that doesn't mean that the person in that office is above reproach. how about this? when a president's approval rating dips below, say 30%, there is a lottery that picks 50 people, one from each state, that lets them dunk the president on national tv. get out some of that anxiety. and maybe, keep the president more honest?
ProPublica, an investigative news group, offered up some interesting statistics about Bush, from start to finish. i don't know if Bush or Cheney was the mastermind of the tortue approach, regardless, Bush was "the decider". is NO REASON to permit torture if a person expects to identify one's self as moral.
Jan 20-
one last swipe at destroying environmental protections: the man evokes such a visceral anger in me. part of me wishes him to suffer a concentrated, personalized dose of all the evil he's done. but i want to be more enlightened. it's difficult not to just list invectives. the only thing i can do now is take some small comfort in the fact that he's gone.
douglain wrote a short tweet(? twitter?) to Rove, his henchman that
i thought was spot on at sending him off.
on a related note, i saw a few lines summarizing the inaugaration as somber. maybe Obama is serious about doing some real ish to fix things. i got nothing but time.