The Facebook Status Archive Project

Oct 31, 2015 16:34

You know something, I trudge through this life one pointless day to the next. Contributing nothing to the world. I've sat and pondered as to what makes me happy, and I've realized that nothing truly does. Sure, I have my likes and interests but I can't put my finger on what makes me happy anymore. I go through life wondering what is the point of it all anymore. All I do is take, and I never seem to contribute. I make the gesture, play the role, but at the end of it all I am a broken cog. A pointless thing! I'm not even sure if wealth and stability, a chance to disappear, would improve my mood. I'm not even sure new experiences would even stir the soul. I want to disappear, fade away, but I can't. I don't know how to do that without resorting to the drastic. You sometimes wonder where the answer lies. Maybe we should be able to snuff out the candle without taboo. Make a ceremony of choosing to opt out. Celebrate one's achievments and accept that one has no more to contribute. Why do we drag the lowest in spirit up to where they feel inadequate, only to let them sink time and again? Why shouldn't my passing be the final burden I put upon this world, instead of expecting more to sustain a broken cog?

facebook, mental health

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