Jan 04, 2005 12:11
I was talking earlier with a friend of mine about goals for the new year, but I later decided that maybe I need to scale back my aspirations. To wit: I've been feeling all peevish and headachey for the past couple of days, but did not realize until this morning that one of my contacts had gone missing and was likely to blame.
I went home to put in a new contact and while there tripped over some kind of air pocket or maybe a dust mite or perhaps a Faerie. Simultaneously, I slice my right foot with the heel of my left shoe and, while grabbing my lamp to steady myself, wrench my shoulder. This would be the same shoulder I dislocated a few years ago when I stepped on a moving treadmill and it shot me off the back. That was greatest WTF injury ever, but this one was impressive.
So, here's the New new year's resolution: Don't do that again.