I am a liberal. This doesnt mean I hate America. I love America, hence why I think the direction it is currently going in is disgusting and needs to change. So why must conservatives constantly try to change my point of views and tell me Im wrong? Sorry Im for freedom of speech, believe in gay marriage, and I think the government should have some control over business. Changes in society are completely and utterly neccessary for a progressive nation, which the US is. And without changes in society, how will people related to their society? If the laws of a current society cannot keep up with the society, people will lose interest. FACT:More people voted for the last American Idol then voted for president People can't relate to their government anymore because at times it is backwards. At a time when homosexuality is more open and accepted then ever, conservatives want to make gay marriage illegal. How is that keeping up with the times? The disgusting waste of oxygen known as my generation has the LOWEST voter percentage of all the others and we;re the upcoming future. That's sickening. Liberals arent the treasonous ones (see ann coulter) but apathetic people are.
Also, do not EVER attempt to classify Ted Kennedy and Hilary Clinton in the same category. Youre taking possibly the morally worst and the best representations of the Democratic party and calling them the same thing. It's a disgrace. Mad love for MA but COME ON! Youre comparing a pathetic drunk senator with a progressive who really cares about America and it's direction. I dont compare our idiot president and Condi (aka the only republican I can stand), so please do not compare Hilary and Ted.
ANOTHER THING-Liberals and democratics arent the same thing damnit! You can be a conservative democratic and a liberal republican. Liberal and conservative are expressions of your morals basically. Liberals are pro-choice, pro gay marriage, for freedom of speech, for gun control, against a laissez-faire government where business is concerned etc. Conservatives, the oppotiste.
I dont know everything that liberals and democrats have done in the past. And sure, not all of it's great. But not everything the Right has done has been great either. But based on this, maybe the new face of politics will be different. Maybe now only people who really care will get involved. Or maybe Im just too optimistic.
How come I only got a 3 on my AP Government test?