Oct 18, 2005 21:08
So it's been nearly a month since my last writing. It's been hectic. First off there was the one-year anniversary of my father's death. That was a difficult week and I was definitely a bit depressed. The Kent Environmental Committee and the Coucil had a nice ceremony honoring my father. Bill Schultz and the owners of the old mill renovated appartments both received sustainability awards. And yes, my picture was in the paper.
Next good old Bob the emu nearly died. Must say I never saw the day would come when I'd have to a) try to pick up an emu that didn't want to move and b) feel the poor thing up. Luckily Bob is quite a good emu and has thus far not pecked me to death, he actually seems to like my petting him. Yes I pet the emu! He seems to have pulled something in his patella (knee cap area). Since he has only two limbs to support himself with, this was a pretty serious issue. So Jan got the vet out and just as they were about to put the old huy down he got up and ran away! So the emu, still limping, lives on.
I took my horse to another show and did quite well. Even managed to scrape up a first out of a really crappy test in the mud and rain. M.D. at the end of the show season, instead of circling nonstop, can actually stand still and fall asleep!
Over fall break, I got my wisdom teeth out. Must say waking up from the anesthesia stuff reminded me very much of the time I had my concussion a few years back. The gap in the memmory, the sleepiness, and the puckiness. The pain pills actually worked decently, the antibiotics I assume are working as well. Oddly enough I didn't swell up at all. I want to say that's a good thing, but I'm not sure if it is. The drugs make me groggy for school, but the dull pain has its own issues as well. I'll be better in no time.