Season 6 Supernatural premiere thoughts.(warning: highly analytical and scientific!)

Sep 25, 2010 20:42

Here there be spoilers for Supernatural 6.1, so read at your own risk:

Okay. What the hell was that. No Castiel, no John, wtf? If they were bringing people back to life, why not those two hot-asses?!? Alright, I'll be patient, I'm sure at least Cas won't let me down...So, Dean as a member of Suburbia. Almost more disturbing than Jensen's ol' pal Chris as Lindsey on Angel being transported to the Suburban version of Hell, where he got his heart ripped out every night...Dean has his ripped out metaphorically every day Sam is not around, it seems, but this Hell is so bland and predictable it almost makes his real trek to Hell a virtual carnival ride of ecstatic bliss! And woman playing Lisa: WTF. Dean--I mean DEAN, for Christ's sake--just told you he was leaving, and you sit on the stairs looking spacey and clueless? Where are the tears, the wailing, the gnashing of teeth? The ripping off of his goddamned pretty, notorious, beer-swilling, whore-mongering, bad-ass head? Get with the program, woman!! I would have scratched his beautiful green eyes out!!! Ehem, well. She's not winning any Emmys anytime soon. Anyhoo...Sam was hot but oddly emotionless...and Mitch Pileggi, you evil son of a bitch, you scared the hell out of me coming back as Dean's demented grandfather!! And Bobby, wth? How COULD YOU not tell Dean for a year that Sam was back? Jensen's acting was spot-on and beautiful through the whole nauseating ride, but the ep gave me a queasy feeling of vertigo and DO NOT WANT. I hope this is not SPN's last season...
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