Touch my world with your fingertips

Sep 21, 2004 11:33

Hey, wow. Today's Claudia's birthday. Sorta. o.o; Yeah, I know, I need to stop reading so much Anne Rice. Shush.

Well, I'm in W.Va. on my cousin's computer bored out of my mind because they're at school and my mom and grandma went to my aunt's and my aunt (not the same one) went to Wal-Mart.

So it's just me and the insane cat. I really don't know what his deal is, but he hates me. Well, I dunno. I'm starting to think he has so many flea bites that when I pet him it hurts him and that's why he dislikes me. I'd give him a bath, but I'd rather not get all scratched up and bit and such. Besides, Will's probably given him brain damage. I like the kittens better anyways.

They're not exactly kittens. They're about half grown and they're all cute and such. One is a tabby and one is black with white and he even has a white tip on his tail. Another is a calaco and the last one is mostly black with white feet and a white leg. They've all got runny eyes and probably an infection. If I had the money I'd get them fixed up, their shots, and find them homes. Damn being poor.

I just had to smack my cousin's cat. The little shit bit me for no reason. He was purring and meowing and then he bit me. Not real hard, but still. Damn. And no, he wasn't playing. There's something not quite right about this crazy cat. He's back to purring again. The more I watch him the more I think he's in pain from all the fleas and the flea bites. I'm starting to think he thinks I'm the one hurting him. Either way he's still more than a little off.

I miss my Matthew. And my Cleo. I'm used to sleeping with one or the other and now I don't have either. =/ If Cleo gets her shots next week I'll bring her the week after when I come with my dad. Matt said he'd come then too. =)

It is nice to be back. I feel more at home here than anywhere else in the whole world. There's just something comforting about the hills and being in the country. I feel so calm and at peace. And hungry. o.o Yeah. I'ma stop rambling and go get breakfast.

Take care whoever reads this. And, judging from all the comments I get, there isn't all that many. You lazy bastards. God bless ya anyways.
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