This is my attempt at slowly but surely getting myself back in LJ world. One entry at a time, man... Last night I saw the Sex and the City movie with my new friend Jenny, and it was pretty decent. But probably only good if you've watched all the seasons before it (which I have, wheee). We also had a lovely smoked salmon dinner at her house, took a walk on the beach, and watched a bit of The Merchant of Venice before heading out.
Being that today is Sunday, my plans so far extend to sitting in a chair and reading/playing God of War/eating leftovers. Maybe I'll throw a nice walk in there somewhere, just to avoid feeling like death. I'm still on the job hunt, but I have an interview Monday. We'll see how that goes! The only thing I'm currently concerned about is a paycheck, which is too bad because I hate being so focused on money. But I basically have about $350 to live off of until I get a job and get paid, so it's kind of risky.
Now I'm off to lounge.
I am so in love with Katy Perry.