As a few people know, I, Meghan, have been celebrating a wonderful holiday known as Chrismakkah (The OC stole it from me, I swear), so for each day, I open one small gift, until Christmas, when I get the motherload. That was a lovely run on sentence. ANYway. On the first day of Chrismakkah, I got this wicked sweet book of movies, the best and the worst, etcetera. The second day, from mon soeur, I got One Tree Hill season 2 (LOVE). I'm obsessive, it's awful. Third day, I got mascara as one of those stocking stuffer thingamabbobers, and TADA. That's all for now.
Tonight I'm going to go see Walk the Line avec ma mere and her bon homme.
Over the past two days, I've had the strongest urge to speak like Gambit from X-Men. Probably because he mixes his French into sentences much like I do, non? Dat dere jus' makes me cool, cheres.
Special message for Lix (
deleteyourself_): My mom doesn't know how easy it'd be for me to get to Vancouver on Friday, so she needs more details, whenever you can provide them. She almost considered just shipping me off on a bus to Whistler tomorrow (I'm dead serious, man), so that we could hang out for a day. I guess we shall see, so drop me a line when you can.
My twelve year old sister got a real job before I did, how sad is that? She's currently working for $6.50 per hour at the Dollar Store down by Superstore. #($(^#*^*(*$))!@$@
I'm calm.
Dis petite cherie don't know one ting about a real job. She'll be callin' pour Remy's help soon, chere.
Now I'm talking to myself and pretending it's Gambit. I need some help? Oui.