
May 23, 2004 23:11

These pills I'm taking must really be starting to work because I can't feel a damn thing!!!! This shit is fucking great.. I suggest everyone go on medication just for the hell of it. I got some great fucking news the other day. I'm getting legally emancipated from my "father" because the fat bastard doesn't wanna pay the peanuts in child support that he has been for the past 19 years. I don't give a fuck as long as I'm rid of him... but now I'm gonna reeeeaaaally have to get a job cuz I'm living off the child support ($115 a month) which is nothing. So.. I gotta work to pay the rent and for food and all that bullshit. Oh well.

It's hot as BALLS out. If I did have balls, I'd need the jaws of life to peel that shit off my leg. And I don't have an ac.. so I take a cold shower and stand naked in front of the window to cool down. Okay, I really do it to freak out the neighbors, but it does keep me cool.
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