Jul 29, 2009 12:55
wow. i finally know what it feels like to leave an interview with confidence.
that's not to say i entered with confidence... i had a pretty ridiculous/horrible morning.
okay, so this performing arts school i was applying to teach at is located on a navy base in new jersey. not sure why it's on a navy base, but whatever, it's kind of cool and quirky. plus, the hangar the school was built in used to house the hindenburg. badass, right?
anyway, when i scheduled my interview, the woman told me to bring a picture ID, my car insurance info, and registration. no problem, i had it ready to go on the seat next to me when i pulled up.
...except, as it turns out, the insurance on my car was EXPIRED. keep in mind, legally speaking it's my parents' car - i don't own my own car, or pay insurance. i just borrow one of their cars most of the time. so i'm looking at this guard in fatigues, and i'm like "look, i'm sorry, but this is my parents' car - i had no idea." and he's all "i really don't care, we can't let this car on the base with expired insurance."
naturally i understood, and didn't want to get shitty with them, but seriously, my interview was in 15 minutes at this point. so i started crying... nothing like a small white girl crying to gain sympathy, right? (of course, it wasn't forced - i was legitimately freaking out, because i REALLY need/want this job.)
the guards were a bit condescending ("you're not going to jail, sweetie"), but whatever, they sent me to an office near the entrance gate to see if i could get a pass to walk to the building. by this point, it's 5 minutes until my interview, and thankfully the woman at the desk is the sweetest person in the entire world. she called the school to let them know i was there and hit some trouble at the gate, while i called the insurance company to have them fax the updated card to the naval base. hot damn.
SO i finally got a pass onto the base, got to the school 5-10 minutes late, completely terrified that i had ruined my chance at a good first impression. but, lo and behold, when i walked up, the principal was waiting at the door for me, shook my hand with a smile, and was the single kindest person in the world at that moment. apparently, holdups like this happen more often than one would think. comes with the territory of having a school on a naval base, i guess.
then i had my interview, which may not have been amazing, but felt pretty damn good. i stumbled on a few questions, but honestly, i think they were willing to let it slide since i was (1) nervous and (2) frazzled from the front gate trouble. i interviewed with the principal and the head of the theatre department, and they both obviously LOVE what they do, and want someone who is equally passionate about the arts. also, the principal spent a good 2-3 minutes talking about how much she loves my hair, and how she didn't believe it was dyed from a box. hahah. plus the theatre director was nodding and smiling a LOT whenever i answered any of his questions, which felt really good.
my parents say it's a good sign that they gave me a tour of the theatre facilities after the interview.
so, even if i don't get this job, (which i really really REALLY hope i do) at least i know how i should feel when i leave an interview!