Nov 09, 2009 19:57
It's weird cause I've kinda been thinking about it for a few days.
It's weird because some where I'll always kinda be waiting. It's like a little itch in the back of your throat that just won't go away. You can ignore it and do other things but it's still there and eventually your attention gets turned back to it. And this may as well go on for the rest of my life. At any point in time it may or may not happen. I don't know.. it's out of my control. I guess it's sorta like anything else in life but yet some how it seems more than that.
And even if I sit here and go over what might happen and what would I do if it did happen..
it doesn't change the fact that I'll still be here.. waiting.. wondering...and I'm not really sure if I am hoping or not any more.