Nov 10, 2009 23:49
I feel like I live in a snow globe, sans snow (for now).
My job is going really well. I had my three-month interview last Friday and there was absolutely nothing negative spoken about me, which I found surprising. My boss pointed out in a meeting that getting a 2 rating was okay (it's like a getting a C), and that we shouldn't be upset when criticism are said. But there was none to be had for me, and actually, I didn't like that. I told them that I would like more feedback sometimes; for instance, a memo (i.e. report) that I wrote was eventually sent to the City Manager. I would like to know about that kind of stuff and what people think about it. At the same time, I do like how everything is "full steam ahead!"
Anyway, I had a whole bunch of work given to me before I left today, and tomorrow I am spending most of the day in the water quality lab at my plant, so I have to organize my time tomorrow morning carefully.
I started taking a class on tai chi today. I am the youngest person in the class, and half the class already knows the basic 24 movements. It's odd, but I like it. I'm sort of glad to be done with yogilates; it was two nights a week and it really wore me out sometimes (especially since we would have different instructors that would focus on different things). Plus, tai chi is only on Tuesdays, and yogilates was Tuesday/Thursdays, allowing my Thursday to be opened up for...volunteering at the community museum downtown. Last week was my first week doing that and while it is painfully boring and tedious, I find that it suits my personality very well. I guess I have a predisposition for that kind of stuff; plus, I get to be nosey. I love being historically nosey. Getting to go through old pictures and touch old quilts and think about where humanity once stood...ah. I always have to have one eye look backwards or else I feel as though a certain kind of hubris will be had.
I broke down and joined a gym. An all women's gym. For the most part I like it okay; it is sort of small and missing equipment that I had grown familiar with while at KU, but it has a steam room and a sauna. Dear lord all mighty. I particularly like the steam room, mainly because it has a sort of creepy quality to it in the fact that if you are sitting on the bench farthest from the door, you will not be able to see the door. However, the room itself is probably no more than 8-feet wide. I guess it allows me to become enveloped in a mist and just drift out of touch with the world for awhile. And sweat profusely. But mainly space off and watch my breath create little tendrils in the steam.
It does bother me that I am not losing any weight even though I workout about 4 times a week. I did go down a pantsize and I feel more shapely...but. Yeah. I does help me feel fan-friggin-tastic all the time. A friend of mine has the swines (although everything is the swines until proven otherwise) and I sort of felt about 80% yesterday, but today I feel great. I need to get to bed soon and I am worried about teh monies, but what American isn't? Did I mention we bought a new car last month? 2010 Honda Fit and I LOVE IT SO MUCH. I shouldn't love a car at all really, but this car. It is awesome. But expensive. I think it is just the upfront cost that we are feeling.
Husband is home!!! LOOOVE.