May 27, 2008 20:33
For some reason I've spent most of the evening reading all my archived LJ entries, and I've come over all nostalgic for the days when I was still at college, complaining about Mr Miller and my mum, when I was much thinner and had pink hair, and when I was still friends with tons of people who used to comment on here but never do any more. People who don't even keep journals any more. I feel so, so weird now, like I've changed a million times more than I thought I had. I keep thinking I would never want to be 17 again but oh god how I wish I could be, even if only to avoid making some gigantic mistakes.
Posted ages ago was the most amazing picture, which I won't repost, but I realised I used to be so pretty. Since then (well, since moving to London) I put on a ton of weight and since being with Paddy I stopped really caring about myself, just general apathy. I'm going to make a conscious effort from now on and stop leaving the house in scruffy clothes and unwashed hair.
Strictly speaking I'm in the same place now as I was then, about to move from one city to another and not knowing what was going to happen or what I was going to do. The move to London changed me for the worse (in some respects at least) and the move back will fix that.
I promise...