(no subject)

Oct 04, 2004 20:00


friday night i wen t to thayer with tim todd nad louis.  we got a little crazy.  then we went to johnny rockets with the nice waitress where i got a chocolate shake and a chili fries which fucking owned.  we then went to store 24 and met tim's friend michelle who was nice enoguh to buy me some shit that i needed badly.  we then walked to ppm where tim precedd to blow up his face.  then we walked to murphy's for more food.  i got mroe chili becasue it owns. then we walked back to borders to wait for todd's mother.  while waiting for her my guidance counsler randomly walked by and said hi to me.  it was an awkward situation .  the night was fun nonetheless.

saturday night i orignially planned not to go out but i did because hal called me up and said he was gong to be in crnastno.  before he came i amde the perfect Digornio pizza.  i also had a smoke outside in my backyard which was amazingly chill and good thinking time.   hal showed up with todd and we went to thayer again.  at thayer hal added to his cigarette collection.  then we went to the brown field next to wheeler which we talked a bunch.  it was very nice. then we went to johny rockets where i jsut got a root beer float and the others got real food.  While there we realized that i checkt out almost every girl that comes by (not in a weird stalkerish way though). we then went home listenign to the silver mount zion orchestra and the tra la la band, matmos, and olivia's (sometihing i cant remember). it fit the mood perfectly and it was fun.  got home around 12.

School today was good.  i had an inclass essay in english which i think i actually did pretty good on suprisingly.  that was it the rest of the day was boring as hell.

my brithday is in 2 days, as in wednesday, as in octboer the 6th.  say happy birthday to me if you want, i would greatly appreciate it. (wow it is sad that i am askign people to say happy birthday to me).

that is it for now i guess

P.S. i foudn otu the name of my favorite song in the royal tenenbaums.  it is elliot smith's needle in the hay. i didnt realize that it was someone that i nkew.  i should have figured it out earlier.  it is the part of the movie wehre richie tenenbaum tries to commit sucide by cutting his wrists.  it si one of the most powerful scences in any movie i have ever seen.
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