Few countries are still dominating the world market - 100.000 MW expected to be installed in 2008. Wind energy continues to be the world’s most dynamically growing energy source. In 2003, the installed wind energy capacity increased by 26 %. Whilst by the end of the year 2002 31.1170 MW were installed, the number went up to 39.151 MW by 31 December 2003. The five leading markets, representing 80 % of the new capacity, are: Germany (new capacity: 2.608 MW), the USA (1.685 MW), Spain (1.372 MW), India (408 MW) and the newcomer Austria (276 MW) with a 200 % growth rate. Denmark - which abolished its successful promotion framework two years ago - slowed down with only 243 MW added in 2003 and dropped back to the sixth place in terms of new capacity.
In terms of overall capacity, Germany is still the world market leader with 14.609 MW installed (37 % of the worldwide capacity), followed by the USA (6.370 MW, 16 %), Spain (6.202 MW, 16 %), Denmark (3.110 MW, 8 %) and India (2.110 MW, 5 %).
Excellent perspectives for further growth
The successful wind energy development clearly reflects the political priority that the leading countries are giving to wind energy by creating favourable frameworks. In several countries, wind energy is already contributing substantially to the electricity supply, reaching in some regions shares of 50 % and more.
Regarding the international efforts in climate protection and the limitation of fossil and nuclear resources, it is obvious that the steady growth of commercial wind energy utilisation will be continued in the future. More and more governments see the need to utilise local renewable resources instead of relying on imported fossil and nuclear resources with their high political and economic risks.
100.000 MW to be topped in 2008
Based on a WWEA member survey conducted in February 2004, 100.000 MW of wind energy capacity are expected to be overstepped in the year 2008. Further substantial growth can in the next years be expected in the five currently leading countries, as well as in further European and in several Asian countries.
Especially the emerging countries with their high need for additional energy sources to cover their economic growth like China, India and Brazil are now more and more focussing on renewable energies. In the industrialised countries, the driving forces are mainly: environmental and climate protection, security of the energy supply and economic advantages of a decentralised energy supply. For developing countries, very interesting perspectives for electrification of un-served areas lie in the utilisation of decentralised, small-scaled off-grid applications.
Large-scale grid-connected wind turbines still play a minor role on the African continent - big part of the continent does not have access to an electricity grid at all. However, there is a wide use of small-scaled wind turbines for water pumping or electricity production. South Africa with its finally adopted White Paper for Renewable Energies is expected to be a driving force in the Sub-Saharan Africa. In the North, Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia are currently leading with several hundreds of MWs of new projects to be realised in the next future.
The USA is again number 2 in the worldwide ranking after a rather weak year 2002 and will continue its leading role in the Americas. Canada and in Latin America especially Brazil as well as - after its economic recovery - Argentina are offering interesting mid-term perspectives.
India is still the wind locomotive on the Asian continent with more than 2 GW installed capacity. However, the Chinese government has clearly indicated that it wants to speed up the wind energy development in the next future and aims at 4 GW to be installed by the year 2010. Very promising developments have been started in further countries like Japan, Korea and Pakistan.
Australia made good progress in 2003 with additional capacity of 94 MW installed, almost doubling its total capacity. Further substantial growth is expected to take place in the next years. New projects can also be expected to be realised in New Zealand.
In Europe, three out of five of the leading markets in 2003 can be found: Germany, Spain and Austria, followed by Denmark. Very promising growth rates can be seen in France (62 %, 91 MW) and Portugal (54 %, 105 MW).
Disappointing once again has been the performance of the British market, which in spite of excellent wind conditions only achieved a growth rate of 17,6 % (net growth: 97 MW).
Several of the new EU member countries are at the moment adopting favourable frameworks promising substantial growth rates in the coming years.
The World Wind Energy Association: Basic information WWEA is the global voice for wind energy representing wind energy organisations from all continents. At the moment, WWEA has more than 140 members from 53 countries, most of them national associations, scientific institutes and companies. WWEA works for the complete substitution of all fossil and nuclear sources by renewable energies with wind energy as one cornerstone by providing a platform for the communication of all wind energy actors world-wide, influencing national and international policies,
providing international technology transfer.
he WWEA Secretariat is situated in Bonn/Germany close to the future UN Campus. WWEA contributes to the World Conference for Renewable Energies Renewables 2004 taking place in Bonn from 1-4 June 2004. Further information:
3rd World Wind Energy Conference & Renewable Energy Exhibition,
Beijing, China, 31 October - 4 November 2004:
WWEA will hold together with the Chinese Wind Energy Association the third World Wind Energy Conference & Renewable Energy Exhibition in Beijing/China from 31 October - 4 November. Further information: