Mar 14, 2004 22:25
Ugh, as is almost always the case, the weekend has slipped by too quickly. While it was productive in some sense, I still feel like I accomplished little. I suppose that's mainly because I didn't really do anything to channel my energy - I mainly just caught up on chores that needed to get done anyway. I should have at least went to the gym at least once, but didn't even do that. Ugh, I'd kill to have a gym where I work, it would be perfect - lifting weights would be a perfect way to to spend my lunch break, as a way to shake off the lethargy of sitting in a cubicle most of the day.
Let's see, I cleaned my side of the room; organized the buttloads of magazines and books I have and gathered up the laundry.
I got a new printer, finally. I've printed out several articles and essays, mostly political and economic stuff.
I got my tax info together, so I can get my taxes prepared next weekend, hopefully. I'm going to owe a buttload since I had to liquidate my 401K after the move from NJ to IL. Ugh, I had a nice sum saved up, and now I owe money for it. Ah well, I'm 27, and as such, have plenty of time before retirement. If I were 47, then I'd be much more worried about it.
Yawn, time for bed.