You're returning to what you tried to escape from

Jun 19, 2005 21:15

Well, to tell you the truth, everything has been going slow...not bad, but not good. And today was fathers day and i ended up going to church which was boring as always. Got out and went out to lunch and this really good mexican restraunt named Franky's. yummm, it was good. After that, i went to go see Batman Begins. WHOA, that movie is like WHOA! ( Read more... )

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badspelleruntie June 20 2005, 03:56:19 UTC
my day has sucked, hopefully tomorrow will be better. peace.


trans_amnesia June 20 2005, 04:16:31 UTC
Hey Z invited me to the zoo too!


badspelleruntie June 20 2005, 18:40:27 UTC
huh? what zoo?


trans_amnesia June 23 2005, 00:06:00 UTC
El Paso Zoo!


badspelleruntie June 23 2005, 04:04:49 UTC
oh, sorry, i had no idea what was goin on. blonde, u know... haha


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