But that has little to nothing to do with this post. Sorry. I actually don't remember much about it.... just that I had a dog with me and Gackt was doing some kind of strange monologuye performance. o0;
I've noticed that the News section on
Gackt.com has been updated. It seems that a Gackt community website will open on the 25th.
Gackt-and-dears.com It looks interesting.... Accounts will be free but will also have an optional paid membership that will give you priviliedges, of course (that's my understanding of the situation, anyway, it's possible I read something wrong). There will be a blog by Gackt and members can post on their own blogs or on the BBS... there's some other stuff, too. The pageholder that's up now gives a rundown of what the contents will be. It looks interesting... Though I'm not sure why he does these things (though I will still be making an account the 25th... >>;)... I wish he would cool it with the website updates and like... record some music... or more likely, release the music he has recorded.... or make an announcement on when his next album will be out.... or what's going on with SKIN (i.e. release some music with them or tell us if and when there will be more touring)... but who am I to question Gackt's great plan? Perhaps I'm just impatient.....