it's been a while since my last icon post. ;)
[11] alice nine.
[o6] stock (strawberries)
alice nine.
stock (strawberries)
Created with
Icon Table Generator @
Bauble icon post especially for megan <3; (well i was just sort of celebrating the fact that i got photoshop back yey)
there are some i am not so please about and then there are some that i am. :)
looook, see, you can improve by observing. icon whoring does have its perks.
i do notice that even though megan loves nao, there is a conspicuous lack of nao icons here. hmm. it's not my fault that shou is a pretty man. although on recounting, saga seems to have taken the lead. unless you don't count the variation. if you don't then he and pon and shou are tied. ahaha.
god i haven't listened to this pretty-boy band in such a long time... i'm not fond of their new stuff though so.
the strawberry icons... while i was making them i started to crave strawberries.
megan, this is all your fault. ;_;
alice nine. images from
hanabi.strawberry images from
deviantart &
google eeerm, if you want to use (which i doubt), credit would be appreciated.