(no subject)

May 19, 2004 13:26

so my uncle and my cousin got here last night around 6ish. now there's me, my mom, my dad, my sister, Lucy, my grandpa, my grandma, my uncle and my cousin (and Nick cuz he's always here..basically lives here) all in my tiny 3 bedroom apartment. that's a lot of fucking people. in a way it sort of sucks though because my grandparents, my uncle and my cousin are all sleeping in the living room. so once they go to bed, i can't get outside to smoke a cigarette. and they go to bed somewhat early. unless of course i wanted to use the loud front door and go out to the front of the building to smoke one. it all depends on how lazy or considerate i feel at the time. hah. it's cool though because i haven't seen my uncle in a year. and i haven't seen my cousin in...i don't even know how long. almost didn't recognize him honestly. that's how long its been. and, my uncle bought us a nice, big new TV. haha. i love my uncle. it's a 27 inch television, clear channels, good sound...it's just lovely.

today i was supposed to go to work with my dad. he's going to pay me 7 bucks an hour to work with him, so that i can afford to pay my cell phone bill next month, but he never woke me up. i actually got sleep last night too. the past week i haven't been getting to sleep until 5am for some ungodly reason (damn insomnia). but last night i fell asleep around 230 and managed to actually sleep through the rest of the night. the phone rang nonstop from like, 830 on though. i will find whoever the first caller was, and i will kill them. that damn bastard took my sleep away. so i got up at around 1130. fell back asleep around noon, and woke up again at 1240. i'm up for the day now. it felt so nice to sleep again.

later we're hanging out with one of Nick's friends, Sean. no clue where we're going to go, but as long as we get out of the house it doesn't really matter.

OH, and Nick hogs the blanket. stupid cunt.

OHH, and congradulations to all you kids that just graduated!
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