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Jul 10, 2006 04:40

gsjsaxbabajbnxban.. so my summer school is almost over.. i have two finals next monday .. i am going to start studying my ass off today and for the rest of the week.. i think im going to stay in tampa for most or maybe all of this week so i can actually study because if i go down to sarasota i will not study and i know it. After next monday i am free for like a month! i can not wait. I need to move more stuff out of my apartment .. i have sooo much left .. i dont know how it is going to be possible ..it will defiantly be good exercise though,i havent seen any of my friends this week .. i miss everyone and im not doing craack again! lol i need to get some money .. i wana go to the maraah carey concert with desi. it would be a blast. Things have been kind of rough in my family recently.. my grandma and my brother have not been doing well.. i just hope things start to look up.. i woke up at miidnight today so im just gonna stay up all night and go to school , then just fall asleep and wke up early on tuesday so i can study all day. i really need to get back on my sleeping schuedle.
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