Title: Little Children Like Moths to a Flame
kage_no_kodokuRating: R
Warnings: un-beta-ed, some mature concepts
Genre: AU, supernatural, drama, fluff (this never disappears, does it?)
Pairing: Nao x Saga
Prompt/s: "Fireworks Blooming" and "And finally, everything was quiet."
Summary: The smallest movements of lips. The slightest change in pace of breath. The tiniest quickenings of pulse. Every little synapse of the brain sends out a vibration, a ripple into the world that grows larger and larger until it could be heard. A noise not so white and not so pleasant that normality turns a deaf ear towards it. But you are not so normal; and from him, you learned the beauty of silence.
Disclaimer: I own no one. Links taken from "Auguries of Innocence" by William Blake.
"Kill not the moth nor butterfly, for the last judgment draweth nigh."2:
"Under every grief and pine, runs a joy with silken twine."3:
"If the sun and moon should doubt, they'd immediately go out."