i am making my too will stand up

Dec 14, 2006 15:55

this week sucks.

yeah. sucks alot. it felt like friday on freaking TUESDAY! this week has been soooo long. i want it to just be over. i am thinking about going to the hockey game on friday with my wife [cait]. and on saturday i will most likely be visiting corey. which is fine by me. i like visiting corey at his dads. its super chill up there. i dunno. far better than chilling at home.

national honor society sucks. seriously it does. like mr. spence is dissappointed with it. you want to know why? because very few people put effort into it. since this is MY live journal, i am going to freaking mention names. the officers and VERY FEW others do everything. while the other 20 or so people sit back and receive recognition because it is supposed to be a group effort. like i run the tutors. getting people to vlounteer was like extracting teeth using a sewing needle. i sat there, made a freaking speech up about how just volunteering to do one afternoon would make a difference. i just asked for one freaking hour of their precious time. and they were looking at me like i had just asked them to volunteer an hour to capture osama bin ladin and if they didnt they would be hanged. i swear to god. it is part of being a memeber of the national honor society. volunteering your time to help others. yes, i realize you have busy schedules. but i dont? yes actually i do. and if i can give up an afternoon to do something that has been asked of me i will do that. just dont be bitches about it. which is exactly what is going to happen. i hope mr. spence doesnt allow all these people to be inducted. cause if they get to do nothing and get in inducted, i better get an extra $1000 for the time and effort i put into this.

well. off of that subject.

on monday we presented our "reputation investigations" it was pretty fun. but some of them were really mean. like really really really mean. but mine wasnt. the meanest mine got was that i am "sometimes overzealous". i am overzealous alot so i took no offense to that. but thats pretty cool. talbot seemed to enjoy the project too which is cool, since we created it as a class.

i guess thats it for now. cause i am at a loss for ideas to write about.

and at this moment, i frankly do not give a damn what you think
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