May 09, 2008 11:11
I have about a million other things to write about, but this needs a separate entry.
Checked my grades this morning... 4.0 for the semester! All As! ♥ And on my Senior Project, too! ^_^
So... now I get to graduate cum laude! It inched me over the line.
I can truely say I'm uber-proud of myself, and slightly relieved that all my hard work paid off in that respect. Awesome!!!
Parents and brother are coming today, which is awesome. There are two events today that we're going to that I didn't know about this time yesterday. >.< But it's OK; we'll get everyone organized! I have to go shower now and get ready... although I don't know what the dress code is... looking nice, perhaps. ^_^? But oh, well! ::skips off::