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Jun 11, 2005 18:11

Havent updated this in a while, so i'll just tell you about whats been going on latley.

yesterday- Woke up at like 5 cause i had too take a shower and get ready for cederdale, i went too carolinas house in the morning with chelsea we took some pictures then we went too emilys and we had too hurry cause we werent aloud too be late for school even though we are like everyday haha. So when we got too school i went into homeroom and just listened too my music for a little then it was time too get on the buses i was so tired so i talked too courtney and illana for a little and then i went too sleep 8]. When we got there me courtney and illana met up with emily tim and amelia, haha the whole time we were sitting there waiting for the person guy too get done talking illana and emily were stairing at the donuts there so cool eh? :] so basically for the rest of the day i just hung out with emily,courtney,tim,& illana. It was so much fun, then we headed down too the field and some bitches from the other school called me and courtney a whore so i yelled at this girl and she like flipped out and walked away yeah she was prettty gay. I had alot of fun yesterday and relized some things. So on the bus ride home i just thought of alot of stuff and fell asleep again. When we got too the school i stayed after for a little and talked too Andrew,Dano,& brian, then i went over and i was talking too dan for a little bit there all pretty cool. :] so when i got home i talked too my mom for a little bit cause shes sick, then i met up with chelsea and we hung out for a little bit, then emily called me and i met up with her and on the way there i saw penny,amanda,steven.p, and some other girl corrin so me emily and chelsea stayed and talked with them for a little bit me and penny are fine now, i'm glad :]. So after that we all had too leave because amanda's mom was coming home and amanda was grounded lol. So we ended up going too Bryans, Courtney,tim,gerard,& mike were there so we hung out with them for a few minutes then adam and diogo showed up so we all just hung out for a little i was glad too see adam it has been a while lol i love that kid. So we all just talked and then when i was leaving the boys thought it would be pretty funny if they pantsed me so i must have been pantsed like 5 times lol. So me and chelsea came back too my house watched a movie and passed out, not too mention we broke my mouse too my computer :[

Today- Didnt really do anything woke up around like 10 watched some TV then we got ready and went too chelsea's when we got here we didnt do anything either haha today was such a lazy day except we did go outside and play with the hose that was fun 8] so now were not doing anything i'm still sleepy i want too go to sleep lol.

Tommarow i'm going with chelsea and her dad on a speed boat in the lake to go tubing, this should be fun :] well post something babe. <3

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