Drabble #1 (of 100) - Vacation

Jun 01, 2010 15:39

She never thought that the sun on her face would feel strange, its warmth alien and alarming. Morgan blinked in the brightness, shielding her eyes.

"Mom?" Kira sounded worried and tired. She wavered on her feet.

Morgan lowered her hand and nodded. "I'm alright," she said. She looked curiously at Ashton. "This place isn't real, is it?"

"It's as real as anywhere else," he said. "But it is Elsewhere."

Morgan nodded again. Jeannette's pull on her seemed less, and she felt herself relaxing for the first time in weeks. "And it's yours?"

"Yes. Come in. Rest. We need to talk."

fiction, 100 drabbles

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