well .. i had to come home from work earlier as I am full of yukky cold ... so thought i would watch this film .. which was highly anticipated at the FrightFest all-nighter back in november and thus disappointment was mega when it got pulled because of the release date being put back.
its a kinda wolf creek meets hostel - at least thats what you think ... but the "revealment" of the shock isnt quite in the same vein .. although quite gnarly. There is a great underwater chase at the end which I found myself on the edge of my seat watching! It would definately had played well at frightfest and/or the all-nighter and think would have been in many peoples top 5. I enjoyed it, found it a little too dark in places so I couldnt quite see what was going on ... and yet again the gore fiend in me would have liked more yuk scenes - but there is a good "sharp stick" moment about 45 mins into the film!!
Check it out if you can .. well worth it ... especially for you guys as there is loads of nublie young girlies in bikinis during the first hour!! I enjoyed it, but feel they could have upped the horror level just a tad!!
send me some anti cold vibes people!!
and the trailer