The adventures of blah blah blah in blah blah blah.
Went bowling. Saw Mean Girls- insanely good movie. Ate a large soft Serve cone from DQ. Driving home I threw the bottom of my cone at some kid riding his bike on the side of the road, and then stuck my head out and laughed really loud at him.
[Lori came over afterwards]
[We went for a walk, she ran through sprinklers because she's cool like that]
[The highway/bridge]
[Still walking.]
[The rich man's Golfcourse. Whoooo.]
[I sat on the bridge]
[So did she]
[The sky looked lovely]
[Looks like a sillhouette, a little-ish]
[My face looks dumb, no she's not singing, she was talking about some really stupid boy.][We decided to head back home]
[Who passes up an opputunity to be a badass and trepass? Not us, so we did]
[ I attempted to eat 'honeysuckle']
[We're trepassing badasses AND we eat honeysuckle, cool, huh?]
[Gets dark, we NOW really do head home]
Thats my Saturday. How was yours? None the less, no matter how good a weekend, you end up sitting home on a Sunday, needing to write a paper, due on Monday, and starting the whole vicious cycle all over. Pfffft. School needs to be over.
Sunday's are the most awkward days of the week. Mostly because you can do whatever you want the night before but you have to get out of it before the night ends because the vicious weekday cycle starts 5 days in a row the next morning.
I like waking up early so I can waste time bullshitting, look at the clock and realize "Hey, I have a few more hours to waste!". And then I start to feel bad about my weekend, and dread going to bed and waking up.
Waking up is the worst feeling ever. Not really.
Today I have to write a how-to article write a how-to article. A little redundant no? I'm going to hate taking the English Regents. The thought makes me cringe. Two days, 4 essays.
I'm only updating so I can delay my essay, I started writing it but I don't care to finish or shape it up.
I also have to do US History homework. Another regents class. After this year no more regents for me. Thomas Dale is st00pid.
I need to take a shower, but I'm not going to until later tonight.
Enough procrastination. This is where I go, and come back and see lots of comments or stab you, either way?