Jun 26, 2008 16:42
My dog had some kind of episode last night that woke up the whole family at 3am. It scared us all. She seems to be okay today...totally normal, but I'm really afraid of leaving her alone in the house.
Josh and I both won tickets to see Gonzo at the Lagoon tonight for free, so we're going. This means that my dog will be alone with my sister for a couple of hours. I think it will be okay, but I still wonder if I should go...
Last night when I was awake and totally scared for my dog, I still fell asleep with my usual concerns foremost in my mind, still dreamed about those concerns, still woke up in the middle of the night at various points thinking of those concerns, still woke up thinking about those concerns...
My dog is one of the most important parts of my world. And still, STILL I was worried about something else.
And that's how you know, I guess, that something horrible has happened.
I also hope my dog is okay.