Sick...... again!

Oct 08, 2004 13:59

Well I am sick..... Again, sadly, but it's Friday and we have Monday off so that is a plus :). I have a lot of homework to do because I was sick and I haven't started any of it, but that's life. Good news in the world of Cantr, Jake and Dan have started playing again and, hopefully, Jake or Dan won't quit this time ;). I don't have much to talk about today, most of the day has been boring, I recently found my Elder Scrolls 3 Morrowind CD so I started playing that again, made a High Elven Wizard and I am once again mastering alchemy to make loads of money and buy everything, weee for easiness ;). I started reading The Stand after I finished Tommyknockers (I would definately reccommend this to anyone looking for a good read), it's been an interesting book so far, but I can't say much about it considering I am only 219 pages into it, I will review it and Tommyknockers once I finish reading The Stand. Feh not much else to talk about. I geuss I just typed this up because I felt like I had to. Whatever, have a nice day everyone.
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