Oct 03, 2004 11:07
Well I am a little angry today because my internet connection is crashing every three minutes, I doubt I will even be able to put this up, but if I do you get to hear my rant for the day, if it doesn't I will try and post it at some later date :). What's really annoying about this crashing every three minutes is that nothing even loads in that time, it just stops in the middle of loading, then I have to hit refresh and it freezes in the middle of loading...... again and I get angry and want to kick it..... again. *Sigh* Oh well :), at least not everything has gone wrong today, in cantr I am finally making my first batch of steel with Joshua after he narrowly escaped death when Obilo locked him up and tried to kill him (A big thanks to Brandon for saving me there ;)), so that is definately a plus.
I am currently reading Tommyknockers by Stephen King/Richard Bauchman (Which one is his real name?) and I am starting the Death Gate Cycle by Margret Weis and Tracy Hickman tomorrow once I get the first two books from my friend Aaron, it was recommended to me by Jos Elkink, the creator of Cantr for those of you who don't know.
School so far this year has been pretty uneventful, I haven't been doing much in my classes and the only classes I have friends in are World History 9 (Aaron Wingfield) and Latin II (William Davis, Aaron Wingfield, and David Woodruff), though I have met someone in Algebra named Alexandra Cata who reminds me of Amanda in the aspects that she is A) Obsessed with anime/manga B) Is a bouncy happy type of person :) and C) She actually cares to talk to me unlike the majority of society. I can't really complain about any of my teachers this year, most of them aren't all that bad, but the worst one would probably be my English teacher, I don't know what it is about her, maybe it's because she seems to treat us as if we are still in Elementry School (though I don't really blame her, most of these people still should be) and the fact that we are reviewing study skills..... in ninth grade, and the best one of the group would most definately be my Latin teacher, she is quite nice and it might also be the fact that I am learning something new (unlike most of my classes) and it's something I enjoy.
Let's see I geuss that is all I have to talk to about for now, nothing else really comes to mind besides the conversations I have had with a few people, but I prefer to not involve many other people in my journal because I imagine no one wants to be written about :). Oh well, I geuss there is nothing else to complain about or share right now so off I go into the endless void that is our world.