Dec 28, 2007 02:57
There is something about this time of year. Everyone starts thinking about their lives. What they did, what they didn't do, what they should have done and what they missed. Everyone becomes so self critical of what has happened around them, myself included. What did I do? Nothing much really. Where did I go? Nowhere I'm too poor. Maybe this entire year has been a waste of time.
It hasn't though, I'm pretty sure of that. You can look back and think things have got worse, things have got better. People I know I've lost touch with. People I don't know have walked into my life. I've come to the realisation that a year isn't about the changes you've made or the achievemnets you've completed. Life is about the little things that you can't remember. It's about the conversations you had with people. It's about the things that you've learned. It's all the small moments that you have long since forgotten but have changed you in immesurable ways.
I've had years when everything has sucked beyond belief. In fact most years I've wondered what the hell am I doing here. What is the point of me sitting here using up oxygen on this planet. I've had years when I haven't left the house, I've had years where I've spent them in bed hoping that tomorrow I won't wake up. Those years all sucked beyond belief but those are my years. Those are what got me to where I am right now.
Where am I right now? I'm not rich, I don't have a great job, in fact it's a pretty crappy job. I don't have a family who loves and supports me no matter what. But so what. I'm here, I'm changing lives everyday. Maybe I won't go down in the history books. Maybe there won't be anyone at my funeral but that doesn't mean that my life was wasted. That doesn't mean that being here was pointless. I'm here to fulfill a part in people's lives. It doesn't have to be an important role to make a difference.
Too many people look back on their lives at this time of year and think about what they haven't done. They measure themselves by standards created by society. Don't do that. Don't put yourself down because someone else has done better than you. Don't hide away because things didn't work out exactly as you wanted them too. This isn't the end of the year, it's the beginning. You have a new start right now. You have a new chance to try again. Why not as this year starts make a decision to be your own person. Make a decision to ignore the rules, to follow your own destiny, to create your own future. It doesn't have to be anything big. You don't need a job that pays 100 grand a year, you just have to decide not to care what everyone else thinks. You have to decide to make yourself happy and all those other angry people aren't your problem. Decide to live your life with more passion. Have more fun, have more excitement, more love, more arguments, more sex. Decide to live more. Don't be afraid. Things haven't worked out for you today? So what there's always tomorrow. You embarrassed yourself today? So what, make yourself proud tomorrow.
This isn't the time of year to think about your mistakes and to feel worthless. This is the time to get excited, to see the future and to get ready for the excellent adventure that is 2008.
Happy new year everyone.