Update (the long, long overdue one)

Nov 09, 2012 12:27

So, while I've not posted myself since March, dear friends, I do check LJ regularly and love reading your posts. Sorry for the no LJ love for so long.

What was that all about? Well, the big news was waiting for leonhard to tell people via non-online means... which he eventually got around to doing after about 6 months. In the mean time, I just got out of the habit of posting. There was also a lot of Life TM happening; moving house, travel and being chronically tired amongst them.

Well, now I find myself in a holding pattern. And with lots of time on my hands, I've been thinking thinky things. Mulling over issues. Letting my mind wander. So now would seem as good a time as any to organise my thoughts into a few posts. So coming soon on your LJ feed will be a number of posts. (Which I will in kindness put under cuts so you can skip stuff as you will.)
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