Yay and eek in equal measures

Nov 12, 2010 00:48

So I put my hand up to help foodwise at MonUCS camp the weekend after this one coming. The original caterer has pulled out due to lurgy. So I got called up for catering duty. In honour of the War and Peace theme, dinner will be a 3 course Russian summer feast. I love Russian food. Honey, cold climate summer fruit, crunchy vegies, sour cream, mushrooms, dill, caraway, parprika.... ah, it shall be good. (And for those of you who think of soviet stodge, guess again. It was not all meat and potatoes before the 5 year plans and food shortages.)

Inspired by the review from last camp, I'm going to try my hand a putting together a review act. Anyone want to do some of the less brain-breaking Swingle Singers stuff with me?
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